Trust your gut: Food and drink on the run

Ever had a race where your fuelling completely fell apart, and you felt like you bonked after a few hours? I’m the UntrainingUltrarunner. I want to share what I’ve discovered in my training and races.

Confessions of an Accidental Nutrition Expert

You know that feeling…you’re crushing a run with the club, and someone suddenly wants the inside scoop on your ultramarathon fuel secrets. It happened to me this morning, and it got me thinking about this wild roller coaster of a journey I’ve been on. The fails, the wins, the weird experiments…all in this mad quest for the perfect way to feed this ultra-runner body (LOL).

Thing is, I wish I could just give you the magic formula. But after ten years on these trails, here’s the honest truth: there’s no one-size-fits-all answer. Or…maybe there is, but it’s like a shapeshifter.

You find that one gel, that magic flapjack, that surprise treat that suddenly makes your legs fly…and you swear it’s the key to unlocking ultra-nirvana. Until one day, it’s gone, it makes you gag, or the mere thought of it turns your stomach. And the crazy search starts all over again, right?

Here’s the thing, though: I have found a rhythm that tends to work for me. Now, don’t go blaming me if my go-to gel makes you hurl – everyone’s wired differently. But here’s a peek at my usual strategy:

Training Runs: The Zen Approach

Shorter runs, up to about 2.5 hours, I’m usually that weirdo going fuel-free and just grab a quadruple espresso at home first. Unless it’s scorching outside – then I hydrate like crazy beforehand and maybe take some water along. Longer training sessions? Water is my best friend, and a couple of gels (Torq cherry bakewell are my fave) are my emergency backup. I try to nibble on something every 45 minutes or so. When those runs stretch out to epic 4-6 hour adventures, you’ll see me hauling a whole litre of water, using ActiveRoot ginger, and planning those refill stops like they’re sacred shrines. And hey, if there’s a chance to snag a Calippo (lime, coke, or orange!) or Twister on a hot day…well, don’t judge my love for those icy treats!

Race Day: When the Experimentation Gets Real

This is where my inner mad scientist gets to play. I’ve gone from those sticky orange gels of the early days (shudder) to all kinds of real-food concoctions, and back to a healthy mix. Listen, it’s all about finding what agrees with your body at that moment.

My current gel crushes are Torq – they hit that sweet spot of consistency, strong flavours, and enough energy to keep me going. Curious about my other gel experiments? I’ve spilled all the beans in another blog post.

And when those last miles get brutal, a caffeine-boosted Kendal Mintcake Company Mint gel is my secret weapon. That minty jolt can work wonders (just don’t risk it too early, if you know what I mean). Flapjacks are still in my bag, too. Moist, flavourful Chia Charge ones are my go-to, especially the sea salt variety. They’re a good break from the sweetness.

Super long races like the 111 to 145 mile Canal races are where I really love to get into the REAL food. Don’t laugh but Pot Noodles (Ok – debatable whether real!) on long races (and when you have crew) are literal rocket-fuel! Chips and gravy are also amazing as a pick-me-up and way to warm up on a long and cold race.

You can read about how I fuelled up during my 2022 Canal race here – the 111 mile Warwickshire Ring or my canalslam in 2018. You’ll also read about my disappointment when my go-to breakfast treat left me wanting!

Bottom Line: It’s YOUR Journey

The biggest lesson? Experimentation is the name of the game. Keep trying, trust your gut (literally), and don’t be afraid to go for a trial and error approach. This nutrition puzzle is what keeps ultrarunning so bloody interesting, wouldn’t you agree?

Let me know if this resonates, and feel free to share your own fuelling adventures! Oh, and if you’re ever curious about other running stuff I babble about, check out my YouTube channel.

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