Be part of my journey on YouTube as I return to ULTRA MARATHON training

I know from messages that many of you have been wondering where I have disappeared to after some sporadic posts over the last 18 months since I wrecked my back when washing the car.

Well wonder no more. I’m back and I’m planning to be better than I was at my peak in 2017 and 2018 when I took on the Centurion 4 x 100 mile grandslam and the 3 x up to 145 mile races of the CIC canalslam.

It’s no secret that my motivation and fitness has been way off my peak and I’ve struggled to get that back and had to navigate pesky injuries, work pressures and a general feeling of ‘meh’.

That’s something I have started to beat the battle with. And so far I am winning in 2024.

What’s part of that? I have renewed motivation, and I have some friends following my journey which I am documenting on YouTube.

Will I make the grade for my 100 mile race in beautiful Wales this summer? How will I make progress with my training? What am i doing differently? What tips can you pick up from the mistakes I make?

Join me for my journey on my YouTube channel. Lots of friends and runners are already there. Join us.

Why not start with the first of the series?

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